Ivy Hill Homeowners Association
Oktoberfest serving line

Ivy Hill Ladies' Association

The Ivy Hill Ladies' Association was founded more than 30 years ago to cultivate the social interests of the Ivy Hill community. Membership is open to all women residing in any of the Ivy Hill neighborhoods: Ivy Hill, Ivy Woods, Ivy West, Ivy Hill condominiums, Equestrian Ridge, Lakepointe, Ivy Lake, and Haines Point.

The IHLA meets twice per year, in October and April, and the annual dues are only $30. In addition, we host several parties throughout the year. Some of our events are for members only, and some include spouses/dates and families. In the fall, we plan a neighborhood-wide Oktoberfest in conjunction with the Ivy Hill Homeowners Association.

The IHLA also sponsors interest groups. For instance, there are book clubs, bridge groups, a knitting/hand-crafting group, and ladies who meet for lunch and to attend plays and take day trips. We are always open to new ideas.

All we ask of each member is that she help in some way with planning an event or with managing the club. If you are interested in joining us or finding out more, please contact one of the officers listed on the Contact page on this website.

